E-commerce Platform
A full-featured e-commerce platform built with Next.js, Stripe, and MongoDB.
A full-featured crypto-dashboard platform built with Next.js.
Financial dashboard app
A full-featured Financial dashboard platform built with Next.js and shadcn.
Documentation Starter app
A Documentation Starter app built with Next.js and shadcn.
Book Store
A real-time Book Store application using React, Node.js.
This is a GSAP app built with react and GSAP.
Iphone Site
A Stunning Responsive Website built with Next.js.
Food Corner
A Food Corner website built react that fetches data from an API.
React Admin Dashboard
React Admin Dashboard with react.
Car Show
A car show website built with Next.js that fetches data from an API.
Book store
Book store app that displays different books.
Movie Correlation App with Python
In this project we look at what variables effect the gross revenue from movies.
House price web scaping
Web Scaping using beautifulSoup python library.